The 12th International Plastics and Rubber
Technologies and Materials Exhibition for Vietnam
Informa Markets, Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte. Ltd.
Ho Chi Minh City / SECC Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Tüyap Fairs and Exhibitions Organization Inc.
Official participation of the Federal Republic of Germany
Istanbul / Tüyap Fair Convention & Congress Center
every 2 years
International Trade Fair for Wines and Spirits
Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd., informa markets
Hongkong / HKCEC - Hongkong Convention & Exhibition Center
every 2 years
The International Mining & Minerals
Recovery Exhibition and Conference
PT Pamerindo Indonesia
Official participation of the Federal Republic of Germany
Jakarta / Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran
every 2 years
9th International Aluminium Technology, Machinery
and Products Trade Fair
Hannover-Messe Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S.
Istanbul / Istanbul Expo Center
every 2 years
Mining Technology Exhibition
IIMP Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú
Official participation of the Federal Republic of Germany
Arequipa / Cerro Juli Convention Center
every 2 years
The 36th International Plastics & Rubber Machinery,
Processing & Materials Exhibition
Informa Markets, Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte. Ltd., PT Pamerindo Indonesia
Jakarta / Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran
6th Turkish Occupational Safety + Health Exhibition
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Tezulas Fuar
Istanbul / ICC Istanbul Congress Center
every 2 years
KCI Publishing Corporation, Messe Düsseldorf North America
Calgary / TELUS Convention Centre
every 2 years
International Health Fair with Congress
of Hospitals and Clinics
Corferias Bogota Centro International de Negocios y Exposiciones, Messe Düsseldorf North America
Bogotá / Corferias - Centro Internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones
every 2 years
3rd International Foundry and Metallurgical Trade Fairs
and Forums for Indonesia
Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte. Ltd., PT Pamerindo Indonesia
Jakarta / Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran
every 2 years
17th International Iron-Steel, Foundry, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy
Technologies, Machinery & Products Trade Fair
Foundry Products & Non-Ferrous Metals Special Section
Hannover-Messe Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S.
Istanbul / Istanbul Expo Center
every 2 years
Acoplásticos, Corferias Bogota Centro International de Negocios y Exposiciones, Messe Düsseldorf North America
Bogotá / Corferias - Centro Internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones
every 2 years
No past events found.