
“Flotte!” 2024: Are fleet operators really embracing e-mobility?

Few topics are discussed as passionately in terms of their impact on society as a whole as the shift from combustion engines to electric motors. Industries directly affected by this change are facing major challenges – and the vehicle fleet industry, which will be getting together again this year in Düsseldorf from March 20 to 21 at “Flotte! Der Branchentreff”, is no exception. Germany’s leading national fleet management trade show offers a platform for the discussion of possible solutions and a professional exchange of ideas.

The switch to electromobility is also in full swing in the fleet sector. Manufacturers such as Tesla are among the market leaders in this field. Photo: Flotte Medien GmbH

The challenges of e-mobility

At the “Flotte! Der Branchentreff”, the mobility transition is an important topic this year. The vehicle fleet plays a major role in the ecological footprint of companies. Credits: Flotte Medien GmbH

Responsibility for society as a whole