Düsseldorf, 29 October - A+A 2021 – the leading International Trade Fair for Safety, Security and Health at Work – drew to a successful close after four days. 1,204 exhibitors from 56 nations and more than 25,000 trade visitors travelled to Düsseldorf, Germany to attend the sector’s most relevant trade fair. With these figures A+A – and the concurrently held International Congress for Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine – again clearly reflected the significantly increased relevance of safety at the workplace. More than ever, the focus is on people's health. "People Matter", the motto of A+A, is currently experiencing an enormous increase in importance. The pandemic and hygiene topics played a central role at A+A 2021, alongside the latest developments in innovative protective equipment. But megatrends such as digitalization and sustainability were also among the key topics at this year's leading trade show.
Exhibitors were very satisfied with the results of A+A 2021. 94% confirmed already at this early stage that they would take part again at A+A 2023. More than 25,000 trade visitors from Germany and other European countries visited the international trade fair as well as the 37th International Congress of Occupational Safety and Occupational Medicine. Trade visitors gathered information on the latest trends in the areas of occupational safety, corporate health promotion and safety management at companies. Well over 90% stated that they had achieved their trade fair attendance goals and gave a very good overall rating.
“We were delighted to meet the wishes of our exhibitors for a platform for personal exchange and product presentations that appeals to all the senses. We are very pleased with the results of the trade fair and would like to express our sincere thanks for the trust placed in us,” says Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Operative Trade Fair Business at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, and sums up: “We are very happy about the successful outcome of A+A and the positive signal it sends to all industries represented at our trade fairs held at the home base in Düsseldorf."
The A+A congress was organised by the Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health (Basi) and was partly streamed online this year. Dr. Christian Felten, Managing Director of Basi, was satisfied with the result: “We are very happy that we could welcome our guests and speakers to a face-to-face congress that deserves its name: A four-digit number of participants (about 1500) experienced a variety of high-quality contributions at the 37th A+A congress and were finally able to interact with each other on site. Within the context of current pandemic conditions, we focused on essential topics. Very important were classic sectors such as exposure to carcinogenic hazardous substances or musculoskeletal disorders caused by work. Visitor interest also focused on topics such as safe and healthy work along international supply chains, New Work, mobile working and problems caused by digitalisation in the workplace.” According to Dr. Felten, this includes the psychological strain of working from home, for example. In this context helpful solutions were presented during the congress. Thanks to the digital possibilities, speakers from all over the world could be connected for the first time, presenting their scientific contributions on the topic of occupational safety and health via a screen in Düsseldorf and discussing them with attendees.
A+A showcased tomorrow’s trends Trade visitors were able to see for themselves the innovative power of the exhibitors and their solutions for the future at the Start-Up Zone. Whether health Apps, innovative services or high-tech textiles and wearables: the start-ups at A+A 2021 enriched the ranges on display at this the No. 1 trade fair with fresh ideas. Numerous exhibitors as well as the Fraunhofer IPA demonstrated how exoskeletons will shape the future of work and prevention at and around the Robotics Park. At the “hands-on” stations trade visitors were invited to experience the supportive function of exoskeletons themselves in a wide variety of work situations. These included back-straining working processes in logistics, overhead assembly jobs and work processes from the welding profession in forced postures. Furthermore, a live study took place during A+A 2021 with the Exoworkathlon, which scientifically investigated the extent to which exoskeletons reduce muscular and skeletal strain and increase performance.
For current information about A+A 2021 and the International Congress visit
Attached find exhibitors’ testimonials for A+A 2021 or online at:
www.aplusa.de/exh_statement_2The next A+A will be held from 24 to 27 October 2023. A+A 2021 Press Team:Daniel Krauß / Meike Rosing
Tel. +49 211 4560 598 / -239
KraussD@messe-duesseldorf.de RosingM@messe-duesseldorf.de Media contact at Basi (Organisation of A+A Congress): Natascha Plankermann
Tel. +49 2241 231 6040
Natascha.Plankermann@basi.deUpon publication we would appreciate a specimen copy.