COMPAMED 2021, the international leading trade fair for the supplier market for medical manufacturing, will be held in parallel with the world’s leading medical trade fair MEDICA 2021 in Halls 13 and 14, and not Halls 8a and 8b as originally planned, at the Düsseldorf trade fair centre from 15 to 18 November. By moving the event to new halls, Messe Düsseldorf is meeting the wishes of the federal state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, namely to ensure that they can continue to use the north area of the trade fair centre for activities in conjunction with vaccine logistics and infrastructure for this federal state.
“All of the experts are in unanimous agreement: The fight against the pandemic will continue to require a huge national joint effort for quite a while. We need to demonstrate patience, stamina and have the flexibility to keep reacting to challenges quickly and appropriately. It is crucial that the vaccination campaign continues to progress without a hitch here. Therefore, we at Messe Düsseldorf believe that it is our duty to contribute to this task, which is of national importance, and trust that our customers will understand. We have created a setup for Halls 13 and 14 that is almost identical to the original stand plan for Halls 8a and 8b for the COMPAMED exhibitors”, explains Erhard Wienkamp, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf.
Christian Grosser, Director of Health & Medical Technologies for Messe Düsseldorf and his trade fair team, will now contact all COMPAMED exhibitors and clarify any outstanding questions on stand placement and planning for their participation in the trade fair in an open dialogue. “We are sure that we will find the right solutions to any issues by working together with our customers. The course of the pandemic up until now has meant that we have needed to adapt our concepts constantly, and we know that the COMPAMED exhibitors are companies that always overcome professional challenges. Last but not least, they demonstrate time and time again that they are indispensable supplier partners for medical technology providers. Many of them may even be pleasantly surprised by the reallocation to Halls 13 and 14, which puts them in close proximity to the MEDICA themed segment for electrotherapy and medical technology, along with the captivating stage programmes from many specialist forums relating to medical technology and even IT”, states Christian Grosser.
In turn, shifting the halls should ensure that many exhibitors and visitors at MEDICA who do not generally make a beeline for COMPAMED are likely to have their appetite for the themes showcased by the COMPAMED exhibitors whetted this year, and also for the COMPAMED HIGH-TECH FORUM from the IVAM International Microtechnology Business Network and the COMPAMED SUPPLIERS’ FORUM from the trade magazine Devicemed which are also integrated into the trade fair.
One of the long-standing and once again largest exhibitors at COMPAMED 2021 is Multivac, which specialises in packaging solutions. Christian Traumann, Managing Director Multivac, supports the move to Halls 13 and 14: "I have known Messe Düsseldorf for many years, as an exhibitor at interpack - of which I was President for some time - and as an exhibitor at COMPAMED. I expressly welcome Messe Düsseldorf's initiative to make a significant contribution to the worldwide fight against the pandemic together with the responsible authorities by providing space capacities, infrastructure and logistical services. That we as an exhibiting industry are also doing our part and supporting this through the change of halls meets with my full approval."
Currently, around 2,500 exhibitors have booked to participate in MEDICA 2021 and roughly 400 exhibitors have registered for COMPAMED 2021. The profiles of all exhibitors admitted to date can be looked up online on the “Companies & Products” database, and can be filtered using a variety of criteria, on the industry portals and The ticket shop has also been launched. Tickets can be purchased for this hybrid concept event which encompasses both trade fairs: choose either a hybrid ticket for a one-day visit on-site, with use of the extensive digital services in parallel included (45 Euro) or a solely digital ticket (without an on-site visit/ 30 Euro).
All of the specialist forums included in the themed segments for COMPAMED and MEDICA, and far more programme items, will be offered both in person and online and can be accessed by bearers of the relevant tickets.
Current information on the themes addressed by the forums, exhibitors and also on the hygiene and infection prevention concept can be called up online at: /
Contacts for exhibitors + general customer enquiries:
Messe Düsseldorf - Information Service
Tel. +49 (0)211-4560-01
E-mail: info[at]
Contacts for media enquiries:
Messe Düsseldorf - Press & PR Team for MEDICA + COMPAMED
Martin Koch/ Larissa Browa, Tel. +49(0)211-4560-444/ -549
E-mail: KochM[at], BrowaL[at]