The world's leading trade fairs are once again present in Düsseldorf: by January five events will be held that all meet with high approval among customers and partners alike. Kicking off will be CARAVAN SALON (28/08 – 05/09) with 91% more exhibitors and 48% more exhibition space. It will be followed by A+A (26/10 – 29/10), MEDICA and COMPAMED (15/11 – 18/11) as well as boot (22/01 – 30/01/2022). Messe Düsseldorf’s proven Hygiene and Infection Protection Concept will again be deployed. Since July the guest events INTERBRIDE and Dokomi have already been held successfully, four more events are in the pipeline between now and January. This underlines the high relevance of physical trade fairs as industry meeting points. Add to this their importance for regional business that benefits from the events.
Düsseldorf, 26 August 2021. Messe Düsseldorf will celebrate a special day on 27 August: the trade visitor day at CARAVAN SALON will see Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre kick off its first in-person event after a COVID-break of just under one year and at the same time mark the 60th anniversary of this the leading international trade fair for mobile recreation. Running until 5 September the event will host 645 exhibitors again showcasing the world’s biggest selection of motor homes, caravans and equipment in 13 halls as well as on the outdoor premises. This means that for its re-start Messe Düsseldorf will post a 91% increase in visitors and a 48% increase in exhibition space at CARAVAN SALON. Deploying its proven Hygiene and Infection Protection Concept Messe Düsseldorf will – as usual – offer all participants the greatest protection possible.
Through to January four other leading international trade fairs will follow, which are all very well received by customers and partners alike: A+A (26/10 – 29/10), MEDICA and COMPAMED (15/11 – 18/11) and boot (22/01 – 30/01/2022). All events are complemented by digital formats, which are continuously being developed under the keyword 'Hybrid Fair'. This means that people can also participate during the running times without physically being on site. In addition, Messe Düsseldorf thus creates central communication and information platforms for the industries, through which the respective community can be active 365 days a year.
The trade fair calendar also includes four guest events: Flotte! Der Branchentreff (15/09 – 16/09), PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION (20/10 – 21/10), ARCHITECT@WORK (27/10 – 28/10) and PSI (11/01 – 13/01/2022). Providing the first successful kick-off for Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre this year were the guest events INTERBRIDE in Hall 8a and the Japan Convention Dokomi organised by subsidiary DüsseldorfCongress and occupying the entire CCD / Congress Center Düsseldorf, four exhibition halls and part of the outdoor premises.
Messe Düsseldorf boosts business
Dr Stephan Keller, Lord Mayor of the state capital Düsseldorf and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Messe Düsseldorf, welcomes the new start: "This high level of acceptance proves it: Messe Düsseldorf is optimally positioned in the market even after one and a half challenging years. With its face-to-face events and its exhibition grounds, it offers the business community what it also needs after an intensive period of almost purely digital communication: platforms for presentation, information and exchange. In this way, it brings important visitors to the city of Düsseldorf and the region, who strengthen the economy, generate sales and tax revenues and, last but not least, secure jobs."
Wolfram N. Diener, CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, voices his optimism: “The increased exhibitor numbers and exhibition space at CARAVAN SALON bolster our decision to hold these and forthcoming trade fairs in Düsseldorf in a physical format. Our customers confirm to us time and again: they want and need trade fairs. This backing and progressing vaccination levels make us optimistic about a sustainable re-start this time. At Messe Düsseldorf we want to make our contribution to increasing vaccination coverage by offering trade fair participants at CARAVAN SALON a free vaccination.”
Jörn Holtmeier, Managing Director of AUMA, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, welcomes the Düsseldorf initiative: "The CARAVAN SALON sends an important signal for the trade fair sector and the entire economy. Trade fairs typically contribute 28 billion euros annually to the German economic performance and secure 231,000 jobs. Therefore, the Corona break has serious macroeconomic effects. We estimate that the German economy has lost more than 42 billion euros since the pandemic began. Messe Düsseldorf, together with the Caravaning Industrie Verband, is now taking an important step towards normality with its restart as one of the world's largest trade fair companies."
According to a study by Munich’s ifo Institute, Düsseldorf trade fair and congress operations generate annual sales to the tune of EUR 2.98b across Germany (in Düsseldorf: EUR 1.66b), secure 27,692 jobs (in Düsseldorf: 16,664) and entail extra tax revenue of EUR 567m (in Düsseldorf: EUR 36.3m). Extrapolated to one and a half years with almost no events at the Düsseldorf Exhibition and Congress Center this means a Germany-wide loss of EUR 4.47b in sales (in Düsseldorf: EUR 2.49b) and EUR 850.5m in tax revenue (in Düsseldorf: EUR 54.45m).
Upward trend also abroad
The foreign agents of Messe Düsseldorf play a crucial role here since they produce feedback effects for Düsseldorf’s leading trade fairs boosting their international flair. Prior to the crisis the proportion of foreign exhibitors stood at 73% in 2019. Wolfram N. Diener emphasises: “Already for CARAVAN SALON we expect numerous guests from European countries and we are sure to be able to gradually increase international attendance at the forthcoming trade fairs as travel restrictions are lifted.” Messe Düsseldorf’s business abroad experienced a successful re-start especially in Russia and China. April saw the Chinese subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai already organise the plastics trade fair CHINAPLAS with 3,612 exhibitors (previous event: 3,622) and 152,134 visitors (previous event: 163,314) as well as the occupational safety and health trade fair CIOSH with 1,565 exhibitors (previous event: 1,035) and 36,000 visitors (previous event: 21,207). This was followed in June by All in CARAVANING in Beijing presenting 200 brands to 25,448 visitors (previous event: 24,008 visitors and 200 brands). Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai has nine events planned for this year.
Early this year Messe Düsseldorf Moscow also succeeded in re-starting its business. In February Russia’s leading fashion trade show, CPM – Collection Première Moscow, kicked off with 10,762 buyers and 550 fashion brands on show. Late April saw NEFTEGAZ follow with 450 exhibitors from 23 countries and more than 14,000 visitors. In June 42,000 trade visitors presented themselves to 479 exhibitors from 13 countries at UGOL ROSII & MINING in Novokuznetsk. In 2021 Messe Düsseldorf Moscow will organise a total of twelve of its own and joint events, participations and conferences.
The next trade fair is the autumn edition of CPM – Collection Première Moscow (31/08– 03/09) featuring 650 brands from 20 countries – i.e. 18% more than at the spring edition. And business is also picking up on other markets. Which is why Messe Düsseldorf will organise both the German participation for the world’s biggest mining trade fair MINEXPO in Las Vegas (13/09 – 15/09) and the most relevant mining trade fair for Latin America, Expomin in Santiago de Chile (25/10 – 29/10).
Realignment for the future
While business is picking up again both nationally and internationally, Messe Düsseldorf is also realigning its operations for the future through a strategic re-orientation. “To stay relevant to the international exhibition industry we have to develop further. This is not due to COVID alone – but to us the pandemic has also acted as an accelerator for certain themes and issues,” explains Wolfram N. Diener. Messe Düsseldorf has defined various areas of activity that it will focus on over the next few years – through to the end of 2025. Amongst others these areas include global business development, the development of new trade fair themes and services, the strengthening of sales and digital transformation. Each area of activity is driven by a multi-disciplinary team of experts. This way expertise from various areas, projects and interface management can be translated into operative successes.
Testimonials by exhibitors and partners of Düsseldorf’s coming No. 1 trade fairs
CARAVAN SALON: Wolfgang Speck, Chief Executive Officer at Knaus Tabbert AG
“Especially Caravan Salon is the one of the most important trade fairs for us worldwide. This is where the industry gets together, where people network, where you meet the who’s who of the caravanning community. Added benefit: We also reach our final customers at CSD and this direct exchange is what we particularly appreciate so much. Here the Knaus Tabbert Team receives important inspirations for improving our recreational vehicles time and again.”
A+A: Klaus Bornack, Managing Director of BORNACK GmbH & Co. KG and Chairman of the exhibitor advisory board
“Health and safety have never been as current as they are today. Full of optimism and anticipation we are now on the home stretch to A+A 2021. It is enormously important to once again provide the whole industry with this relevant platform for personal exchange and the presentation of products and innovations.”
MEDICA, COMPAMED: Michael Franz,
Head of Brand Communication, CGM SE & Co. KGaA
“CGM is so delighted to finally be able to participate in MEDICA again. As we see it, the new hybrid concept helps us to fulfil our essential expectations for a trade fair also in pandemic times: ensuring interactive exchange among all parties involved across sectoral borders. We will be able to demonstrate this impressively to our customers and any interested party at the world’s biggest medical trade fair. We will cover all current digital themes across the entire patient journey by means of practice-driven use cases.”
MEDICA, COMPAMED: Hans-Peter Bursig,
Managing Director Medical Engineering Division of Professional Association ZVEI
“The German healthcare industry generates over 60% of its sales via exports. The COVID pandemic has heavily restricted the possibilities for personal exchange on innovative medical device technology over a long period of time. MEDICA as the world’s leading trade fair for health now enables this exchange once again with partners from Germany, Europe and the world. I am therefore delighted to help demonstrate the operational excellence of German medical device technology again in 2021 by means of the MEDICA Tech Forum.”
MEDICA, COMPAMED: Dr Thomas Dietrich,
Managing Director of the IVAM Microtechnology Association
"Even if virtual events can help to generate interesting contacts, there is no substitute for personal exchange to initiate business. When negotiations become concrete, complex products and processes in need of explanation are discussed or confidential information is exchanged, direct contact is always of particular importance. For this reason, we are particularly looking forward to networking manufacturers and users live on site again at this year's COMPAMED."
boot Düsseldorf: Robert Marx, Managing Director of Friedrich Marx GmH,
President of the des Bundesverbandes Wassersportwirtschaft e.V. BVWW (National Union of Aquatic Sports) and boot President
“It is with great enthusiasm and pleasure that we start planning for boot Düsseldorf 2022, which traditionally kicks off the new season and is the showcase for the international world of water sports. Already now, major manufacturers are announcing the presentation of their boat premieres at boot 2022. This overview of the world market at one place and time is unique globally and was sorely lacking this year, so we now look forward to the next boot all the more. The great willingness of companies to once again present themselves in Düsseldorf to a broad audience and the trade is a clear commitment to the importance of physical trade fairs. "Face to face" is for our industry the best form of communication with our existing and potential new customers.”