From this season Messe Düsseldorf with its subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai, will be acting as a partner for Germany’s record champion Borussia Düsseldorf. This partnership is currently visible on the new players’ jerseys for the 2020/21 season, on the perimeter advertising and through the events jointly planned with the professional team surrounding the exceptional player Timo Boll.
Commenting on this Wolfram N. Diener, CEO of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, said: “We are so delighted about this opportunity to expand our entrepreneurial commitment in the sports arena now that Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai is partnering with Borussia Düsseldorf. This strengthens not only our role as a partner for the sports city of Düsseldorf, but also our international exposure thanks to the great popularity of Timo Boll and table tennis sports in the Republic of China.”
Sport commitment is close to the heart of Messe Düsseldorf both regionally and internationally. “Top athletes are symbols of performance, stamina and assertiveness. These are properties that make sportspeople ideal ambassadors and ones that are also synonymous with all successful commercial enterprises,” delights Marius Berlemann, General Manager at Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai Co., Ltd., referring to the new partnership. Messe Düsseldorf can look back on a plethora of successes especially in the international arena: it has already formed part of the Olympic family for 20 years now. Since the Sydney 2000 Olympics Messe Düsseldorf has organised the “Deutsches Haus” on behalf of Deutsche Sport Marketing (DSM). Since Vancouver 2010 this partnership has been extended to include the Paralympics.
“Borussia Düsseldorf is the most successful club at the sports city of Düsseldorf and one of the three most successful clubs in all of Germany. Thanks to its international triumphs and its players – first and foremost Timo Boll - Borussia enjoys worldwide recognition and is especially well-known in China. This is why we are so pleased that we managed to enlist a strong global actor in Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai – a partner that like we is at home in Düsseldorf and very active and successful in the table tennis nation China,” says Borussia Manager Andreas Preuß.
Timo Boll is also eagerly looking forward to the new partnership: “China has become my second home. I have travelled this fascinating country for almost 20 years now and feel very much at home there. I have many friends there and find it great that Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai and my club Borussia Düsseldorf have now entered into a partnership. This will make the links with this table tennis nation even closer, even stronger.”
About Borussia Düsseldorf
Borussia Düsseldorf’s figurehead is the professional team that will compete in the Table Tennis Champions League, the German table tennis premier league and the German Table Tennis Cup in the 2020/21 season.
2018 saw the team help Timo Boll add another new chapter to history: Borussia won the third triple in its club history and titles 69 to 71.
In addition to this, the club is also very active and successful in disability and amateur sports and committed to young talents: over the past five years the club has won the German Championship in the national wheelchair league. In addition there are several standing disabled (blind) teams and one in table tennis for the blind as well as numerous men’s, women’s and youth teams.
Borussia also stands out with its strong social commitment encompassing such projects as "SingPong", "Bunt gehts rund" and "Tischtennis-Pausenkönig" (Table-tennis King for a School Break) as well as the aid projects “Borussia hilft“ (Borussia helps) and “Direkthilfe für Chennai/Indien“ (Direct Help for Chennai/India), to name but a few.
Düsseldorf, September 30, 2020