The new technical development of the AV-Net platform simplifies processes for Messe Düsseldorf’s international partners and subsidiaries, boosts efficiency – and improves and accelerates services for both exhibitors and visitors even further. It thereby contributes to the company’s ongoing successful internationalisation and digital transformation.
Messe Düsseldorf is among the most international trade fair companies worldwide: with 77 foreign representations, six foreign subsidiaries and other international participations it is represented in 141 countries. With a view to enhancing its global activities and easing work for its foreign representatives (in german: Auslandsvertretung/AV) it focuses on a digital solution: the AV-Net. Developed in cooperation with software specialist dimedis in 2001 and subjected to a comprehensive re-launch in 2018 the AV-Net now constitutes the essential information and working tool for foreign representatives. This platform features completely new technology, revised design and extended functionalities. It allows foreign representatives to call up all relevant documents related to exhibitors’ space bookings fast and conveniently – for the first time also on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This makes foreign representatives’ work considerably easier, their processes more efficient, and strengthens the international sales for Messe Düsseldorf.
All of this makes the platform a successful example for the digital transformation of the company. “As Messe Düsseldorf we are one of the world’s biggest and most important platforms for presenting the digital innovations in various industries. To us it is therefore particularly important to respond flexibly and effectively to the ever faster changing market requirements together with our partners and customers. The new AV-Net allows us to do so at international level,” says Dr. Christian Plenge, Head of the ‘Digital Strategy and Communication’ Division at Messe Düsseldorf. “The re-launch is just one of many activities designed to help agile, connected working and to position Messe Düsseldorf as a strong player in our increasingly digitalised world.”
These innovations primarily benefit customers due to even better and faster services: foreign representatives not only get the full overview of exhibitor bookings for individual trade fairs, they can also support exhibitors and visitors in all matters related to tickets, vouchers and invoices. This is ensured by the quick search function for exhibitors and ticket orders. Here foreign representatives can find all the relevant information such as online applications, approvals, invoices, voucher statistics as well as trade fair visitors’ registrations and ticket purchases at a glance.
The new development is a crucial structural instrument for the further internationalisation of Messe Düsseldorf – being one of the company’s key focal themes alongside digital transformation. “We expand our international activities to respond to market demand in an increasingly global economy setting, to win over more international exhibitors and visitors for the world’s No. 1 trade fairs at our home base in Düsseldorf, and to better buffer cyclical fluctuations through stable international business,” adds Dr. Clemens Schütte, Head of International Business at Messe Düsseldorf, and goes on to say: “For our foreign representatives an efficient working and information tool is a key prerequisite to do this.”