Renowned international exhibitors on board +++ numerous national pavilions +++ dedicated "Recycling Solutions" segment returns +++ Special ADDITIVE MINDED +++ Polymer Plaza lecture forumRussia is also an important market for the plastics and rubber industries in difficult times. Interest in high-quality and innovative machinery, systems and materials continues unabated. Demand for packaging solutions, recycling systems and waste avoidance is particularly high. Innovative products, current best practice and the direct exchange with international industry experts rank high on the agenda in user industries. Therefore, interplastica, the International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber, held from 25 to 28 January 2022 at Expocentre AO in Moscow as most relevant meeting point for Russia and its neighbouring states, comes at the perfect time.
Top players in the industry will be represented as exhibitors in Moscow such as Arburg, BMB, Dow, Engel, Erema, Haitian, KraussMaffei, Reifenhäuser, Sibur, Starlinger, Windmöller & Hölscher and Wittmann Battenfeld. Furthermore, Austria, Italy and Switzerland will be represented by joint stands at interplastica 2022 while Germany is advertising for the “Made in Germany” quality seal with an official German participation. A total of around 600 exhibitors from 26 nations are taking part in interplastica and upakovka, Russia's leading trade fair for processing and packaging, which takes place simultaneously.
interplastica 2022 will again provide a representative overview of the latest machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industries, raw and auxiliary materials, plastics and rubber products as well as services. Beyond this, it will pick up on the current challenges for the sector so that “Recycling Solutions” will feature as a stand-alone segment again after its successful debut at the previous interplastica.
The exhibitors’ ranges will be accompanied by a technical supporting programme. One of the highlights will be the project "ADDITIVE MINDED" powered by 3D fab+print. Here, Russian and international experts will discuss the developments, possibilities and challenges of this technology while exhibitors will showcase their corresponding innovative products and solutions.
Again proving a magnet for the trade audience will be the Polymer Plaza. Featuring talks and discussions on raw material production, applications and processing, this lecture forum means extreme value added for trade visitors. One thematic day will be dedicated entirely to the circular economy and recycling.
The Expocentr AO in Moscow provides all visitors, exhibitors and employees with a framework for successful and safe trade fair participation thanks to already proven and constantly updated hygiene and infection protection standards. For more information on the Hygiene and Infection Protection Concept at the Moscow exhibition centre visit: more information on interplastica go to:
www.interplastica.deinterplastica forms part of the Global Gate brand, under which Messe Düsseldorf pools its global activities for the plastics and rubber industry. Comprising a total of eleven events, this product portfolio leverages the expertise and experience gained by organising the world’s No. 1 ‘K’ fair in Düsseldorf and by developing successful regional events. The ten trade fairs in total are professional communication platforms serving as door openers for promising growth markets such as central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, China, India and South-East Asia. Full information can be found at
Contact for the press:Dr. Cornelia Jokisch/ Desislava Angelova
Tel.: +49 211 4560 240, Fax: +49 211 4560 8548
Jokisch@messe-duesseldorf.deAngelovaD@messe-duesseldorf.deDecember 2021